Evergreen Arborist Consultants, Inc. has evaluated over 450 wildfire cases throughout California. Many of our cases include multi-million dollar property damage claims, most of which involved significant tree losses. We have also evaluated landscape, irrigation, erosion control, and native plants. Our team comprises of certified arborists, pest control advisor, certified crop advisor, and landscape contractors who have assessed post-fire vegetation damage for large loss claims which include the Gueijito, Rice, Witch Creek, Tea, Sesnon, Rangeland, and Center Wildfires. Our diverse team has assessed vegetation damage on college campuses, botanical gardens, ranches, farms, and residential sites though out California. We have the experience to asses many types of post-fire tree damage, native vegetation, exotic plants, avocado and citrus trees, and wholesale nurseries. Our analysis includes many types of remediation assessments such as cleanup costs, erosion control, and irrigation estimates. We apply a variety of methods to arrive at a value for trees. We select the most appropriate method such as the trunk formula method, cost to repair, or replacement cost to evaluate damages based on the species, site, pre-causality condition, placement, and loss. Regardless of the damage, our team is able to assess trees and landscape even after they have been removed or damaged for several years.
Watch our video below that explains more about our Tree Fire Damage Assessment services: